MABO Fire Auto Extinguisher 1kg
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Discreet packaging and protected

Delivery 24 to 48 hours - Free from € 100

Exchange for 30 days - 2 year warranty
MABO is an automatic fire fighting product which extinguishes the fire by the dispersion of a glass ampoule containing a chemical solution which remains on the burning surface as a coating that will prevent reignition.
MABO fire killer is absolutely the most effective system for fire extinguishing with a unique formula of solution contained in the ampoule of only 580 ml.
Basic use–indoor (closed spaces)
- extinguishes fire instantaneously and completely
- prevents reignition
- for toxicity and environmental impacts by the EU-accredited laboratories, in accordance with strict and relevant standards that apply on all markets
- harmless for people and environment – environment-friendly (no pollution or negative effects on the environment, people, animals, soil and plants)
- rapid, fully biodegradable and free of residue
- does not contain bromine or chlorine
- and therefore it has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP).
- Class A Fire including flammable solids such as wood, cloth, rubber, paper and some types of plastic.
- Class B Fire including flammable liquids such as petrol, oil, etc.
- Class E Fire including any of the materials found in Class A and B fires, but with the introduction of an electrical appliance, wiring, or other electrically energized objects in the vicinity of the fire, with a resultant electrical shock risk if a conductive agent is used to control the fire.
- Class F (K – in USA) Fire including cooking oil and fat, such as olive oil, maize oil, sunflower oil, lard and butter.
- Operating temperature range: -25°C to +70°C
- Automatic extinguishing
When a fire breaks out, the solution in ampoule reacts to the heat and when the solution reaches the temperature of 84°C, the ampoule automatically bursts open and the dispersed solution instantly extinguishes the fire.
Automatic activation mechanism
As the temperature rises, the Mabo solution starts to dissolve and generates gas within the ampoule.
MABO activates when the built up pressure and temperature of Mabo solution within the ampoule reach a certain point.
The ampoule ruptures and the Mabo solution is dispersed over the burning surface
is an excellent option to protect high-value property such as:
- small ships (fishing boat or pleasure type), passenger boats, yachts (engine rooms, fuel storage)
- distribution equipment (boiling rooms, oil transformers)
- process control and computer rooms
- telecommunication facilities and miscellaneous electrical equipment
- trains (locomotives) factories, laboratories
- museums, archives, library, churches…
- homes, hotels (kitchen…
While extinguishing a fire the follovving effects occur:
- Quick and strong cooling effect
When heated MAbo solution produces gases by thermal decomposition, the strong cooling effect of the gases helps to extinguish the combustibles which have exceeded their ignition point.
- Suffocation
Non-flammable gas produced by thermal decomposition cuts off oxygen from the combustibles (replacement of air with water vapour generated in a large quantity and absorption of radiation heat).
- Negative catalytic effect
The gas produced under thermal decomposition has negative catalytic action and prevents combustion chain reaction.
- Evaporation control
Water membrane produced by the foam drainage quickly spreads over the surface and controls the evaporation of combustible gas which shows cooling and suffocation effects of the foam.
- Fire retardant effect
When heated Mabo solution dissolves and forms a glass-like coating on the surface of combustibles which cuts off the oxygen, not only does it prevent the transmission of radiant heat, but it also prevents the dehydration caused by the solution produced under high temperature, creating a fire retarding effect to prevent the reignition of the combustibles.
Highly economical product
- without side effects after activation and extinguishing, that means
- no residue that can cause costly post- fire cleanup and downtime
- simply to mount (on a wall or ceiling)
- it does not require any technical knowledge
- maintenance free – by eye control only
- over 6 years of shelf life
- fully replace sprinklers – overall installation cost is 1/14 compared to water sprinkles system
- small size and light weight (88 x 307 x 61 mm /1,025g / 580 ml)
MABO is an automatic fire extinguisher, which integrates the state-of-the-art technology and a special know-how, putting the fire out unmanned, by dispersion of a glass ampoule containing chemical solution.
- MABO is absolutely the most effective system that extinguishes a fire with a unique formula of the solution contained in the ampoule of only 580cc
- MABO is an ecological product, harmless for humans, animals and environment
tested and approved -meets the requirements and criteria of the CE 67/548/EEC - Basic use in closed space instantaneously extinguishes initial fire -that is the most important in firefighting
- Designed for class of fires
A , B: 12-16 m 3 (in closed areas)
energized electric equipment - Operating temperature range from – 25°C to +70°C.
- Several usage methods for extinguishing a fire:
- Automatic extinguishing
when fire breaks out the solution in ampoule reacts to the heat and when solutions reaches temperature of 84°C the ampoule bursts open while a dispersed solution instantly extinguishes the fire. - Throwing the ampoule . The ampoule should be thrown against a wall or at anything that would enable the liquid to disperse over the burning area to the greatest possible extent.
- While extinguishing a fire the following effects occur:
– cooling, suffocation, negative catalytic effect
– evaporation control and fire retardant effect ( preventing re-ignition ). - Highly economic product
- Without side effects after activation and extinguishing
- Simply to mount (on a wall or ceiling)
- Doesn’t require any technical knowledge to mount and use
- Maintenance free
- Over 5 years of shelf life
- Small size and Light weight 580 ml
- Fully replace sprinklers at the 8-10 times lower price
- MABO for all three fire classes A, B or F can be extinguishe
Usage in:
- Maritime industry and transportation
– passenger ships, yachts, tankers, ferry boats (engine rooms, passenger cabins) - Airports, trains, etc.
- Factories .
- – boiling rooms, power administration (oil transformers – control rooms – electric equipment – telecommunication equipment and devices
- Protection of
- – household, business premises, hotels, restaurants, shops, camps – hospitals, schools, museums, libraries, mosques , etc.)
MABO will kill fire at places that are not attended and abandoned, without water damage, extreme good for energized electro-mechanical or telecommunication equipment.
Different look
the suspension is made of cheap plastic,the look is very cheap.In pictures they look much more valuable.And the free gift was also not included in the delivery.
Report abuseThank you for your product review on our website. We always welcome feedback, whether it is positive or negative. However, we would like to clarify that this order was refunded as yous asked for. Regarding the gift, as explained on our website, it is subject to its availability, but if you specify you did not received it for your next order we will take care of including additional gift.
Additionally the plastic suspension was designed to be more effective by releasing the extinguisher prior to its rupture for a faster reaction of the system. We and Mabo believe the effectiveness should be more important than the look for this kind of product.
With all of these we believe your review may be unfair, and kindly ask you to consider editing it ?
Pour dormir l'esprit tranquille
Je l'ai acheté en pensant qu'il ne devrait jamais fonctionner, mais j'aime bien le savoir là où il est.
5 étoiles pour le support qui permet de le déclipser et de le lancer comme une grenade "au cas où"
Extincteur MABO
Extincteur MABO, qui peut être accroché directement dans votre espace à protéger, dispose d'un autocollant.
L'extincteur se déclenchent automatiquement lorsque la chaleur du verre atteint une certaine température et convient pour un espace entre 10 à 14 m².