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Solabiol Herbi-Control Spray 1l

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: In stock!
  • Quaregnon: In stock!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

Edialux Algae and Moss Destroyer 1L

1l spray for roofs and facades

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: Out of stock!
  • Quaregnon: Out of stock!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

Herbi Press 250ml - Edialux

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: In stock!
  • Quaregnon: In stock!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

Herbi Press 500ml - Edialux

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: In stock!
  • Quaregnon: Latest items!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

Edialux Herbi-Alarm Spray 750ml

Herbi-Alarm Driveway and patio spray

Herbi-Alarm driveway and terrace spray is a total, non-selective weedkiller for killing weeds, grasses and mosses on paved, non-cultivatable land (paths, driveways, terraces). It can also be used on loose, uncultivated land permanently between rows (all crops) without touching the crop with a protective cap on the sprayer and before sowing or planting ornamental plants and vegetables (all crops).

  • Liege: Latest items!
  • Eghezée: Out of stock!
  • Quaregnon: Out of stock!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

RoundUp - Désherbant 540ml

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: Latest items!
  • Quaregnon: Latest items!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

KB Herbatak Weed Killer 500ml

  • Liege: Latest items!
  • Eghezée: Out of stock!
  • Quaregnon: Out of stock!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

KB Herbatak Weed Killer 250ml

  • Liege: Latest items!
  • Eghezée: Out of stock!
  • Quaregnon: Out of stock!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

Compo Progazon 1L for 100m²

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: Latest items!
  • Quaregnon: Latest items!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!

Edialux Moscide against moss in lawn and on concrete...

Edialux Moscide: Moss killer.

Because of its systemic action, Moscide works more slowly than ferrous sulfate. On the other hand, Moscide does not act as an acidifier, thus addressing the moss problem in the longer term. The stability of the iron chelate also makes Moscide an efficient iron fertilizer. Moscide does not stain tiles after treading on treated lawn (do not use Moscide directly on tiles or concrete).

Where can I apply Moscide?

In lawns, lawns, grass verges, gravel and on dolomite.

Composition: 44% disodium EDTA, 30% anhydrous iron sulfate

  • Liege: In stock!
  • Eghezée: Latest items!
  • Quaregnon: Latest items!
  • Fosses: Out of stock!
  • W-Braine: Out of stock!
  • Gent: Out of stock!