PURlife biostimulant based on vermicompost 1l - PUR VER

Discreet packaging and protected

Delivery 24 to 48 hours - Free from € 100

Exchange for 30 days - 2 year warranty
Based on the fact that healthy plants can only grow in healthy soil, PURlife® improves the physical and biological characteristics of the soil. The wide variety of beneficial microorganisms found in PURlife® will bring your soil back to life while providing some of the essential elements for plant growth.
Used alone or in addition to PUR VER® vermicompost, PURlife® provides the following benefits
Brings the soil back to life
By increasing the population and diversity of beneficial micro-organisms, PURlife® restores the root ecosystem. The synergy between these different organisms increases the quality of your soil in a sustainable way by degrading the accumulated organic matter and by improving the nutrition of the plant.
Improves the soil
PURlife® contains humic substances. These natural substances are derived from the degradation of organic matter by micro-organisms. Humic substances contribute to
reduce soil leaching
improve water retention
keep nutrients bioavailable
Improves plant nutrition and health
By improving soil quality and restoring the synergy between micro-organisms and plants, PURlife® allows :
increase the bioavailability of nutrients for plants
improve the assimilation of these nutrients thanks to a more abundant root system.
Thanks to its balanced composition, the natural substances present in PURlife® stimulate growth from seed to adult plant
reduce the impact of abiotic stress (drought, cold, salinity,...)
strengthen the health and resistance of plants
Use from the seed to the mature plant. Application by watering, irrigation or foliar spraying.