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Nowadays you can buy the typical transparent pots in which many orchids are sold. It is best to use a transparent pot for a Phalaenopsis, otherwise the plant will create too many aerial roots and lose contact with the potting soil and therefore nutrients. Translucent pots are also practical for other orchid species. You can immediately see whether and how much water the plant needs and how the roots are doing. You notice insects and fungi at a glance. However, these pots are not really necessary.
When to repot?
In general, you should repot orchids every two years. Young plants that grow strongly, sometimes have every six months
need a bigger pot. Older plants need a new potting mixture less often. Only Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums are best repotted every year for a healthy root system.
Does the potting mixture smell sour or has it broken up into small particles? Then the bark and other components of the mixture are digested and need to be replaced. Leaf loss or shriveling bulbs can also mean that the plant is ready for repotting. It is best to remove the plant from its pot to inspect the root ball. In addition, you should repot an orchid when the pot is full of roots, when it grows out of the pot or when there is no more room for new pseudobulbs.
Specific References