Cultilene Mapito 80l
Cultilene Mapito 80l

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Delivery 24 to 48 hours - Free from € 100

Exchange for 30 days - 2 year warranty
Although Mapito has been around for a while, growers seem to be discovering the benefits of growing on this substrate, especially in recent years. This is not without reason, because Mapito has a firm structure as a substrate and has an optimal ratio of water and oxygen. This combination forms the basis for very good harvests!
Mapito consists of rock wool flakes and PU flakes (Poly-Urethane). Rock wool is made by grinding the volcanic rock Diabase into grains of sand. These granules are then heated to 1600°C, causing them to melt.
This hot lava is then poured onto a rotating disc, after which the material is flung away and solidifies, creating long thin fibers.
After adding various binding agents and other substances (in order to increase the absorption of water), these fibers are cured in an oven and then combined into a layer of rock wool. Now the desired end product can be cut to size. The possibility of using rock wool as a growing medium for plants was actually only discovered in the early 1970s.
The rock wool used in construction for heat and sound insulation is not suitable for growing plants. A mineral oil has been added to this rock wool, which makes the material water-repellent. Special rock wool has been developed for horticulture, which can absorb and retain a lot of water.
This substrate can hold up to 80% water and 15% air. The other 5% consists of rock wool fibre.