Hydro A/B 1l - Hy-Pro

Discreet packaging and protected

Delivery 24 to 48 hours - Free from € 100

Exchange for 30 days - 2 year warranty
Most substrates are lacking in nutrients and/or trace elements by their nature.
Both factors are crucial for plants to reach exuberant growth and flowering.
HY-PRO 'Hydro A&B' has been formulated to provide optimal nutritional needs of your plants.
It provides all essential nutrients and trace elements for a strong growth and flowering.
So you can apply this product throughout the entire lifecycle of your plants.
Your plants will, in different circumstances and stages of life, gratefully respond.
Tips and Benefits:
- suitable for growing and blooming plants, see feeding schedule (tab)
- easy to use, just give every watering
- always measure your EC and pH-value, knowledge is power!
- can be used for hydroponics, rockwool, mapito, cocos or soil
- use together with our Rootstimulator and Spraymix for best results
- always follow the directions on the label
Available in 5OOml, 1, 5, 1O and 2O liters
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Bon engrais
Utilisé en hydroponie et on voit clairement la différence, j'ai pas comparé aux Plagron mais ils semblent tout aussi efficace
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Bien reçu la marchandise, je ne l'utilise pas dans l'immédiat car je dois préparer l'installation hydroponique. Je donnerai un avis sur le produit plus tard.
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