Coco A/B 1l - Hy-Pro
A/B Coco 2x1ltr

Discreet packaging and protected

Delivery 24 to 48 hours - Free from € 100

Exchange for 30 days - 2 year warranty
Hy-pro Coco A & B products are intended for coconut growing. These soils usually contain insufficient nutrients and trace elements. To complete this, you can use Coco A & B. Both factors are important for the plants to reach exuberant growth and flowering. The naturally good mushrooms that occur in a coconut culture are preserved, as is the structure of the spongy fiber.
The optimum result is achieved when you use this product in combination with other products in the HY-PRO range.
User Manual
For best results, mix 5 ml of Coco A with 1 liter of water;
After stirring, mix 5 ml of Coco B and stir again;
Check the CE value (desirable: 1.4 - 2.2);
Add water if the EC is too high;
Check the pH of the solution last (desirable: 5.5 - 6.0);
Add Coco A and B at each water tower.
Always use Coco A and B in combination and in equal amounts. If the pH is too high, you can lower the pH to a desired value with HY-PRO PH. Follow the instructions on the label.
Available in 500ml, 1ltr, 5ltr, 10ltr, and 20ltr