Ultimate Coco & Cork 50l - DNA & Mills
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Mills Ultimate Mixes
Mills Nutrients and the American-Dutch enterprise DNA Genetics have entered into a partnership to develop the perfect potting soil, once and for all. The result, the Ultimate Mixes, is far beyond expectations and can legitimately carry the name “Ultimate”. The progressive mixes consist, in addition to potting soil or coconut, of cork, which is very beneficial to both the soil’s water management and the oxygen content. The crop will grow in an ultimate soil type, creating stronger roots so that the plant will eventually produce even more beautiful and firmer fruits.
The ULTIMATE COCO & CORK ensures ultimate water management and is an airy substrate. This will allow the crop to build an optimal root structure. It does require additional food during the entire cycle, however.
Cork is not only good for the crop, it is also very eco-friendly. At Mills, we believe that that is very important. Cork trees are not cut down, but stripped by hand. This is done every nine to twelve years and significantly extends the life of the tree. With 2.7 million hectares of forest and an average tree age of between 200 and 300 years, Europe has an abundance of cork trees. This is a good thing, considering they are a major supplier of oxygen.
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