Kit Blumat 3m 12 Plants
Automatic drip irrigation
Universal watering for plants on balconies, patios,in greenhouses and raised beds.

Discreet packaging and protected

Delivery 24 to 48 hours - Free from € 100

Exchange for 30 days - 2 year warranty
This standard or beginner set is designed for 3 balcony boxes with lengths of up to 1 meter, but is also suitable for any other purpose.
As a general rule of thumb: 4 Tropf-Blumat (4 drip locations) are required per 1 m box, 3 Tropf-Blumat per 0.8 m box or 1 Tropf-Blumat in planters up to 25 cm diameter.
Water is usually supplied through a connection to an elevated tank. A pressure reducer (Art. Nr. 36001) is required in addition for a reliable connection to a water faucet.
Included in delivery:
12 Tropf-Blumat - with drip tubing + T-branch connector
7 m water supply tubing
1 elbow connector
1 end piece
1 branch connection
1 T-branch connector
1 hose union
1 elevated tank connection